Master of Science (MSc) Strategic Management & Leadership

Offered at ESAM on the Paris campus, the MSc Strategic Management & Leadership prepares you to design a company's strategy via an action and development plan, and create a project that mobilizes the employees and partners of the business.

Formation ESAM MSc Strategic Management and Leadership

Master of Science (MSc) Strategic Management & Leadership en bref



3rd year Bachelor diploma



International admission


Lengt of program

2 years, training under student status




Professional experience

Up to 12 months of internship in France or internationally



Program full english

demi cercle

Program starts

3 mars 2025

Learning outcomes

The Strategic Management & Leadership MSc at ESAM enables you to acquire the skills of an entrepreneurial leader promoter of profitable business models: 

  • Defining the company's global strategy taking into account market opportunities, identifying growth drivers in specific growth levers in different business sectors or geographical areas
  • Guaranteeing the company's long-term future, by implementing an entrepreneurial dynamic within the organization
  • Guarantee the innovation policy and the deployment of an appropriate offer within France and abroad

Targeted Skills

  • Building the strategy of the business organization
  • Managing innovation and supporting change
  • Manage and deploy organizational and digital transformation projects
  • Manage the activites and ressources of the organization to service the operational performance of the activity or company
  • Exercice ethical and responsible governance and representation of the organization
ESAM, école de management, finance, droit

A recognized diploma

Certified title ESAM (IGS) "Manager des Organisations" registered with RNCP n° 38825 at level 7 (EU) (former level I) - NSF code 310, by registration decision of France Compétences dated 27/03/2024, eligible CPF.
Title also accessible by the Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE).

Learn more about VAE


MSc Management stratégique

The MSc Strategic Management & Leadership Training Program

This program is offered on the Paris campuses, over 2 years, under student status

4th year

Building the strategy of the business organization

  • Economic intelligence
  • Business plan
  • Corporate law
  • Risk management
  • Public speaking

Managing innovation and supporting change

  • Innovation & Design Thinking
  • Information & innovation protection

Manage and deploy organizational and digital transformation projects

  • Digital strategy & organization management
  • Project management
  • Management of quality assurance (audit & solutions)

Manage the activites and ressources of the organization to service the operational performance of the activity or company

  • Budget construction & monitoring
  • Financial analysis
  • Risk management :business prevention and security (including compliance)
  • Marketing & business plan
  • Labor law & human resources approach


  • Embody the organization (digital module)
  • Brand image & e-reputation
  • Proximity management system
  • End of study practium

5th year

Building the strategy of the business organization

  • Business pitch
  • Strategic management
  • Business model
  • CSR strategy
  • Financing and investment

Managing innovation and supporting change

  • Change management

Manage and deploy organizational and digital transformation projects

  • Lead a transformation project
  • Sustainable transformation of the organization

Manage the activites and ressources of the organization to service the operational performance of the activity or company

  • Cash management
  • Legal responsibility of the manager
  • Supply chain
  • Social dialogue and quality of life at work


  • Leadership
  • Crisis management
  • Business English
  • Conflict management and negotiation
  • Organize and manage your networks of influence


carriere et debouche

Job opportunities of Master of Science (MSc) Strategic Management & Leadership

  • Profit center manager
  • SME or branch manager
  • Consultant in organization and global strategy
  • Business developer
  • Project manager
  • Sales and administrative manager
  • Digital strategy and transformation consulting
  • Business unit manager

The program's strenghts

  • Opportunity to join our startup incubator: The Why Not Factory
  • Opportunity to take part in a learning expedition, in the heart of the Silicon Valley, in San Francisco

Access to training

Prerequisites: 3rd Bachelor diploma 

Fall start: 3 mars 2025

Methods used and evaluation methods

We have built a training program to develop "hard skills" and "soft skills" in corporate finance.

Training progress

  • Modular course organized in semesters and in the form of Teaching Units
  • Adaptation of training content according to the apprentices' professional reality

Learning methods

  • Face-to-face and distance learning courses
  • Business cases and scenarios
  • Group work, research activities and undertaken missions
  • Collective projects
  • Personal development workshops
  • Digital workshops
  • Progress interviews and group regulation sessions
  • Provision of online educational platforms and resources
  • Teaching evaluation questionnaire and learner satisfaction questionnaire at the end of the course

Evaluation methods

The evaluation of the different modules of the MSc Strategic Management of Organizations consists of a plurality of diversified evaluations, distributed regularly over all the weeks of the semester and for all the courses, the objective of which is to strengthen the formative dimension of the evaluations and to give feedback on evaluations an important role in student progress.

 The evaluation is done:

  • In continuous assessment for each module (written, multiple choice questions or group or individual research work, individual or collective oral restitutions)
  • In certification tests also allowing the assessment of skills blocks (Creating a Business model and a business plan, case study with submission of an individual or collective file, individual and/or group role plays

  • The host company also assesses the learner's skills (apprenticeship master booklet)

Procedures for obtaining certification

Certification evaluations:

  • Business creation project or intrapreneurial project with oral defense
  • Case studies
  • Professional situations

Certification is obtained by validation of each of the skill blocks, in one go or in successive block(s)..

Adaptation of the training course

Une validation partielle du titre par blocs de compétence est possible. Pas de passerelle possible entre nos différentes certifications.

Learning outcomes

The Strategic Management & Leadership MBA at ESAM enables you to acquire the skills of an entrepreneurial leader promoter of profitable business models:

  • Defining the company's global strategy taking into account market opportunities, identifying growth drivers in specific growth levers in different business sectors or geographical areas
  • Guaranteeing the company's long-term future, by implementing an entrepreneurial dynamic within the organization
  • Guarantee the innovation policy and the deployment of an appropriate offer within France and abroad

Targeted skills

Certification objectives :

The Organization Manager defines the company's overrall strategy and studies, with regard to the potential opportunites offered by the market, the growth levers in different sectirs of activity or geographic areas. In order to guarantee the sustainability of the company, it implements an entrepreneurial dynamic within the organization.
Furthemore, its role is to guarantee the innovation policy and the deployment of the offer in France and internationally. He thus becomes a promoter of profitable business models.

  • Building the strategy of the business organization
  • Managing innovation and supporting change
  • Manage and deploy organizational and digital transformation projects
  • Manage the activites and ressources of the organization to service the operational performance of the activity or company
  • Exercise governance and ethical and responsible representation of the organization


ESAM, the reference school in Management, Finance and Law of the IGENSIA Education Group (formerly IGS Group) has set up a support service for international students residing outside the European Union.

In charge of international recruitment for schools in the IGENSIA Education Group (formerly IGS Group), he supports international students throughout their registration:

  • Orientation and choice of program
  • Application file
  • Admission tests and interviews
  • Registration file
  • Student visa (for non-EU students)
  • Housing assistance
For more information on our programs and admission:


3rd year Bachelor diploma